What to do this Diwali to share joy? Let’s make the world a better place!

Diwali is the festival of joy and happiness. Beauty of joy and happiness is that, it increases when shared. So let’s take a look into what you can do to share happiness.  Simple acts of kindness can make the world a better place; you don’t have to be a leader.

Be someone’s Savior: Winter is coming and you can give away the poor people winter wears. Every year when you are enjoying the hot cup of coffee sitting in your cozy couch, they are struggling to fend off the cold. There are many NGOs whom you can contact so that your gifts reach the needy one or you can give away personally. An old jacket or a ragged pair of shoes can mean a lot to someone. One warm cloth can save a life.
                                                                               Image source: givenow.com.au

Be someone’s Santa Claus :We all know how kids feel when they get their new toys. Even poor kids feel the same. Your kid’s old toy can be someone’s new. Share this little happiness with them; little wonders. Letting you kids give away toys will be a great learning experience. Smiles guaranteed.

                                                            Image source :  http://villagetattler.com/

Fight world hunger; Eat Less meat or go vegan :While you are enjoying your nice plate of nutritious and tasty food millions of people are hungry. Play your role by a little sacrifice. “According to Worldwatch, it is animal agriculture that is the real villain because meat consumption is an inefficient use of grain – the grain is used more efficiently when consumed directly by humans.”- Source Thegurdian.com. Your small initiative can be a big leap for humanity.

Smile:A smile is contagious; it has the power to uplift your mood as well the people around. Don’t be miser and spread the smile.

 Image source: http://leadingpersonality.wordpress.com

Let’s celebrate this beautiful life and do whatever small things we can to make this world a better place. Save money on your grocery shopping with mydala grocery deals and let your friends save too by sharing this post. Sharing is caring. :-)